15 Cases of aortic valve prolapse (AVP) and 20 healthy persons were examined by2D—echocardiography. Clinically, all patients with AVP had typicalsymproms and physical signs of aortic regurgitation. The study showed that aortic valves of all cases passed valvular ring line into left ventricular outflow tract during ventricular distole with a deviation of junctional point. In most of the cases the porlapsed leaf is in the shape of a hammock (12/15). Among the 3 aortic valves, the right-coronary valve prolapse prolapse is the most cost common. 3 cases were complicated with mitral valve prolapse. These manifcstations were not presented in healthy persons. The causes and echbcardiographic diagnostic techhiques for AVP were discussed. It is considerced that 2D—echocardiography is one of the mostimportant non-invasivc mcthods in diaghosing AVP
Anhui Medical Journal