Medical model, which guides medical practice, belongs to the field of philosophy. It is retrospectivecognition in medicine abroad and changes with the conditions of medical practice. The biologicalmedical model came out in the 15th century. Since then, it has made a great deal of contributions tothe development of medicine. In the late years of the 19th century, biological medical model showedinadequate in some aspects. It was not replaced by biopsychosocial medical model until the 20thcentury. The model of traditional Chinese medicine is prospective. Its formula is Time - Space -Social - Psychological - Biological, which includes more elements than the model of modernmedicine, guiding the practice and development of traditional Chinese medicine for more than twothousand
Medical model, which guides medical practice, belongs to the field of philosophy. It is retrospective cognition in medicine abroad and changes with the conditions of medical practice. The biological medical model came out in the 15th century. Since then, it has made a great deal of contributions to the development of medicine. In the late years of the 19th century, biological medical model showed inadequate in some aspects. It was not replaced by biopsychosocial medical model until the 20th century. The model of traditional Chinese medicine is prospective. Its formula is Time-Space- Social-Psychological-Biological, which includes more elements than the model of modern medicine, guiding the practice and development of traditional Chinese medicine for more than two thousand years