想家 ,思乡 ,是一个很有意义的话题 ,它深深的扎根在中国人的心中 ,时时刻刻表露在我们的言行上 ,但前贤时彦似乎尚无学术的讨论。对这一现象进行了初步分析后认为 :传统的农耕文明使中国人不愿意背井离乡 ;浓厚的亲情伦理使中国人不忍心背井离乡 ;缺乏探险精神使中国人不敢背井离乡 ;体质上的相对虚弱使中国人不能背井离乡。一旦不得不离开 ,就会情不自禁地思井怀乡。
Being homesick and missing one's native place has been a very interesting and significant topic. It has taken deep root in the heart of the Chinese and shown itself constantly in words and deeds. However, few of our predecessors and contemporaries have studied it. This paper makes a preliminary analysis about this phenomenon and hold the opinion that traditional agricultural civilization has made the Chinese not willing to leave their native place; their strong attachment to blood relation and ethic has made them not have the heart to leave their native place; their lack of explorative vigor and their comparatively poorer health also contribute to this phenomenon. Therefore,once they have to leave, they cannot help being homesick and missing their native place.
Journal of South China Agricultural University(Social Science Edition)