首先比较了WLAN和GPRS两种技术的特点;接着提出了一种基于Mobile IP的支持WLAN/GPRS网络无缝漫游的融合方案,它利用WLAN网络与GPRS网络在技术上的互补性,可快速为用户提供支持无缝漫游的数据业务。此方案基于如下基本思想:尽量不对GPRS网络做任何修改,而主要通过对WLAN网络结构进行调整来实现两者的融合。在描述此方案的主要工作流程时,包括以下方面的内容:移动接点接入/附着、WLAN和GPRS的漫游,GPRS到WLAN的漫游、WLAN网络可用性的判断、计费等。
WLAN and GPRS technologies are compared. Proposed is a Mobile IP-baed convergence solution, supporting seamless roaming in WLAN and GPRS networks. The solution takes advantage of the complementary nature of VLAN and GPRS networks, providing customers with instant seamless roaming data services. Its philosophy is to realize convergence via WLAN reconfiguration while minimizing GPRS network modification. The solution covers the following major process: mobile node access/attachment, to-and-fro roaming between WLAN and GPRS, WLAN availability assessment, billing, etc.
World Telecommunications