提出一种以障碍物和机器人位置和速度等信息为基础的障碍躲避方法 ,重点探讨了确定性环境下障碍躲避和转弯过程中机器人应遵循的合理路径问题 ,并通过证明指出了给定环境条件下实现转弯和障碍躲避的最佳路径。仿真实验表明 ,该结论简单有效 ,便于实施 。
An obstacle avoidance strategy for mobile robot is presented based on obstacle position and size information. Furthermore, rational robot paths in obstacle avoidance are discussed in detail, which leads to the final important result of optimal path for mobile robot to avoid an obstacle. Simple as the results are,they have been shown by simulations te be effective and convenient in implementation. A good application prospect of the result can thus be expected. [
Strategic Study of CAE
国家科技攻关项目 ( 2 0 0 2BA90 1A2 8)
甘肃省省长基金项目 (GS0 15 -A5 2 -0 12 )