信托在英美独特的文化背景和法律架构下得以生成 ,并发展成一项具有财产转移功能和财产管理功能紧密结合特点的法律制度。我国信托法于 2 0 0 1年 10月 1日实施 ,标志着信托制度确立为我国一项基本的民事法律制度 ,这为我国长期以来承继大陆法传统奉行一物一权主义的财产权制度增添了新的内容。而信托财产管理权与受益权的分离 ,信托财产的独立性以及利益冲突的防范 ,这些内容是信托制度区别于其他民法财产权保护制度的重要标志 ,体现了现代信托制度基本要求与我国基本国情相结合的特点。
The trust was formed under the Anglo-American culture background and it has been developed into a legal system with the characteristics of property passing and property management.This paper analyses the basic structure of the trust property right from three respects,and these mark the profound difference between the trust system and other civil property right protection.
Journal of Shanxi Politics and Law Institute for Administrators