违约责任是当事人不履行或不适当履行合同所产生的法律责任 ,具有相对性、约定性 ,是一种财产责任。违约行为的形态 ,从合同履行情况的角度分类 ,可分为不履行合同义务和不完全履行合同义务 ;从违约行为发生的时间上分类 ,可分为届期违约和预期违约。我国《合同法》对违约责任的归责原则采取无过错责任原则为主 ,过错责任原则和过错推定责任原则为辅的原则。
Liability for breach of contracts is the legal liability caused by non_performance of duty or improper performance which is a property responsibility with reciprocity and stipulation.According to Contract Law,the impulation principles of liability without fault as well as liability for fault and imputation principle of “fairness” as supplement.
Journal of Shanxi Politics and Law Institute for Administrators