缔约过失责任的构成要件为 :缔约一方违反先合同义务 ;缔约他方受有损失 ;违反先合同义务与损失之间存在因果关系 ;违反先合同义务者有过错。缔约过失行为有 :恶意磋商 ;故意隐瞒与订立合同有关的重要事实或提供虚假情况 ;泄露或不正当地使用合同订立过程中知悉的对方的商业秘密 ;违反诚实信用原则的其他行为。缔约一方违反先合同义务应承担赔偿损失的责任。
The requisites to constitute negligent responsibility in treaty-making are one contracting party breaches the contract firstly;the other party is injured;there is positive causal relationship between the breach of contract and injury;the party which breaches the contract firstly has fault.Meanwhile this paper lists many kinds of negligent act in making contracts.
Journal of Shanxi Politics and Law Institute for Administrators