

Moving From the Process Based Control to the Rule Based Control
摘要 传统的管理控制通常是基于流程而设计的,此种管理控制模式通常与集权式管理相伴的。本文研究了另一种管理控制的思路与模式———基于规则的管理控制模式,此种管理控制模式通常与分权式管理相伴的,其做法是将决策权与实施权下放给下级机构与下级部门去完成,上级部门只进行规则的制定、规则的维护,并对下级机构、部门是否违规以及在遵守规则的条件下的绩效进行评价,我们将之用类比为"裁判员—运动员"模式,此种管理控制模式模式有利于发挥下级机构与部门的积极性、主动性与创造性。随着环境变化的加快与竞争的加剧,基于流程的管理控制模式将向基于规则的控制模式转变。 The conventional control is often based on the processes in which there are some processes flowing through the upper manager, and the upper manager control the lower people or subunits through this required and fixed process. This control has its advantage that can enable the upper manager strongly control the lower people or subunits, but it has its defect that the process is inflexible. So we design and study the rule-based control model, what we can name it 'judger-runner' model, the judger is not the game-player, but he (or she) can judge whether the runner obey the rule and what score the runner gets, this control model can keep the organization flexible and respond to the market change quickly. Along with the rapid change of circumstance and the acceleration of competition, it will take place move from process based control to rule based control.
出处 《预测》 CSSCI 2004年第1期51-55,共5页 Forecasting
关键词 基于流程的控制模式 基于规则的控制模式 “裁判员-运动员” 模式 平衡记分卡 管理控制 process-based control rule-based control 'judge-runner' control model balanced scorecard management control
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