黔南独山地区晚泥盆世弗拉期 法门期 (F/F)生物灭绝事件发生后 ,遗迹化石的出现早于其它化石。描述产于独山地区晚泥盆世法门期早期的遗迹化石 ,并分析其生态习性 ,它们在地层中的产出呈现出习性构造逐渐复杂、潜穴管逐渐“粗化”、由层面线性向二维空间到三维空间的发展 ,反映造迹生物有机体的逐渐变大和完善、生活和活动空间的不断扩大。
After the Late Devonian Frasnian Famennian extinct, in Dushan area, Guizhou Prvince, the trace fossiles appeared earlier than other fossils. Appeared at first in the Yaosuo (Yaosu) Formation Sifangpo Member above the Frasnian Famennian extinct event are such forms as Planolites beverleyensis, Pl. sp. and Palaeophycus sp.1, which are smaller and horizontal burrows and may be made by Vermes. In the middle part of Yaosuo Formation Sifangpo Member, there are Pl.beverleyensis, Pl, sp., Palaeophycus sp. 1 and branching burrows Chondites dushanensis ichnosp.nov., small and shallow vertical tubes? Skolithos minor ichnosp. nov., smaller branching and spining burrows Thalassinoides sifangpoensis ichnosp. nov. Branching and spinning burrows may indicate that the relavent organism moving spaces were expanding and the efficiency of looking for food were increasing. And the vertical burrows may indicate that the organism moving spaces were developing to three dimensional spaces, implying those organisms adapted efficiently to environment. In the top part of Sifangpo Member and Wuliqiao Member, Yaosuo Formation, the trace fossils, such as Pelecypodichnus plicata ichnosp. nov., Skolithos sp., Baihupoichnus feifengingesis ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov. and Rhizocorallum become “thick and big”, and their structures are more complex, and may be the ability of the organisms reforming deposits was strengthened. There are abundant trace fossils in Zhewang Formation and Gelaohe (Kolaoho) Formation, in which are mainly large scale trace fossils, such as Thalassinodies and Rhizocorallum possibly reflecting that the Arthropoda played a prominent role. The trace fossils in the Early Famennian in Dushan, Guizhou, seems to show an organic evolutive process as expressing in the following aspects: The diameters of burrows largened gradually, structures were more complex, the number and species trace fossils were more abundant and the ability of reforming deposits became stronger. The relavent organisms were possibly augmenting gradually, the spaces living and moving were enlarging from line to planar to three dimensional along with the systems of organism were perfecting incessantly and the efficiency of looking for food was increasing and the way of adapt environment was increasing. And this evolutive process in the early Famennian is similar to that in the Sinian Cambrian (Table Ⅰ). This evolutive process after the Frasnian Famennian extinct, whether is a “revolutive process” in organic anabiosis after extinct, must be studied further.
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica
现代古生物学和地层学国家重点实验室 ( 0 2 3 116)