
新型单相无源功率因数校正整流器的电路拓扑、工作原理和设计分析 被引量:3

A New Single-Phase Passive Power Factor Corrected Rectifier: Topology, Operation and Design for Compliance
摘要 电磁兼容标准是强制性的,因此满足特定的电磁兼容标准是功率因数校正技术研究的重要内容。无源功率因数校正技术具有简单及成本低的优点,在小功率应用场合具有广阔的前景。然而当功率大于300W时,现有的基本LC滤波器电路需要添加笨重的电感。本文提出一种LC滤波器类型新的无源功率因数校正电路,它以满足新的电磁兼容标准为前提,新电路简单且电感尺寸为原来的一半。介绍电路拓扑和工作原理、设计分析、计算机仿真和样机实验验证。 The modification of the new version of IEC1000-3-2 specifications should be taken into account for design in order to comply with the standards. Passive solutions are very attractive topologies for low power applications, due to theirs simplicity and low cost. However, the inductor needed to comply with the regulations is quite bulky if the power level is higher than 300W. A new LC type filter structure to comply with the new version of IEC1000-3-2 specifications is presented. The topology is very simple and the size of the inductor can be halved. A prototype of the converter has been built and the experimental results are also presented.
出处 《电工技术学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期80-84,共5页 Transactions of China Electrotechnical Society
基金 西班牙教育部博士后基金项目(SB2000-0403)。
关键词 电磁兼容 功率因数校正 电路拓扑 Electromagnetic compatibility,power factor correction,circuit topology
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