
三亚市旅游客流空间特性研究 被引量:113

Spatial characteristics of tourist flows in coast resorts: a case study of Sanya City
摘要 旅游流是旅游目的地与客源地之间空间相互作用的结果。旅游客流空间特性是旅游地理学的重要研究内容。在大量实地调研的基础上 ,本文研究了中国典型的海滨旅游地———三亚市旅游客源市场的空间分布特征 ;在重力模型的基础上 ,以航空票价为经济距离指标 ,建立了基于航空廊道的旅游客流空间潜力模型 ;分析了三亚市旅游者空间行为特征。认为三亚市客源市场空间分布广泛 ,所建立的旅游客流空间潜力模型可以用于指导旅游目的地的旅游客源市场空间定位 ,三亚市旅游者空间行为以飞行 /驾驶式为主。建议三亚市建立旅游航空票价调节基金来降低飞机票价 ,降低旅游交通门槛 ,促进旅游客流量的增加。 Tourist flows are the results of the interaction between tourist destination between tourist destination and tourist origin.The spatial characteristic of tourist flows is one of the most important research fields of tourism geograpy.Domestic scholars of tourism geography have achieved some related research fruits,but there are few researches on the mathematic models of the spatial distribution of tourist markets and the spatial flows of tourist.Based on lots of on-the-spot investigations and surveys,this paper studies the spatial characteristics of tourist flow in Sanya City,which is a typical coast resorts.Firstly,the authors analyse the distribution of its domestic tourist origins and study its spatial use curve of tourist flows.It is found out that its tourist origins are widely distributed,and its spatial use curve of tourist flows is very complex,which is difficult to be explained by the curves of Basic Model,U Model,and Maxwell-Boltzman Model.There are huge fluctuations in the curve,and the trend of distance decay is not obvious.This question needs further discussion.Secondly,based on gravity model,they choose the factors of the urban population of tourist origin,the per disposable income of urban residents in tourist origins,and the price of plane tickets from the origin to Sanya City to construct a spatial potentiality model indicate that the disposable income of urban residents in tourist origins and the price of plane ticket have greater tourist market positioning and marketing of Sanya City,and the model has some value of reference to other destinations.Thirdly,the authors analyse the traveling spatial behavior of tourist in Sanya City,and they find that the Fly/Drive model is the main type,the airway corridor is of great significance to the expansion of the tourism markest of Sanya City.Finally,in order to increase the tourist flows in Sanya City,on the basis of the above conclusions,the authors suggest that an aviation fund should be established to cut down the price of plane ticket and make the threshold of tourist transportation lower.
出处 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期115-124,共10页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目 (4 98710 2 7) 国家社会科学基金项目 (0 3BJY0 84 )
关键词 旅游客流 空间潜力模型 空间行为 三亚市 空间特性 旅游地理学 tourist flows spatial potentiality model spatial behavior Sanya City
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