For a long time, there have existed no really unified currency andintegrated financial system in the occupied Arab territories. This is the outcomeof the fact that normal development of Palestinian ecoucmy has been thwartedby the occupying authorities of israel. With the development and change ofthe international and domestic situation, some adjustment or something flexiblein a certain respect has been seen accordingly in the monetary and financialpolicies adopted by Israel toward the occupied territories. Under the particularhistoric condition of being occupied by a foreign power, however, themonetory and finanial system in the occupied territories is still experiencinga lopesided development, with pluralization and nonstandardization being thetwo features of monetory and financial activities. There are five parties takingpart in the monetory and financial activities in the occupied territories, theyare as follows: (1) The Israeli banking system; (2) Merchants of Palestiniansociety who specialize in the business of money exchange and the like; (3)Arab financial institutions that have resumed their operations in the 1980's;(4) Landlords and merchants in the rural area who are providing agriculturalcredits in traditional patterns; (5) Jordanian financial institutions that areextending special loans to the occupied territories. Meanwhile, many currenciesare having a hand in circulation, disturbing the regular order of the Palestinianeconomic life in the occupied territories. Where there is no political independ-ence, there will be no economic independence; This is the crux of the problem.
West Asia and Africa