运用光刻、刻蚀技术在载玻片上刻蚀出条宽 70 μm、深 30 μm、长 7cm的沟槽 ,与另一载玻片键合 ,形成一微流路沟道 ,研制出了用于生物电泳技术的微流路生物芯片。在该芯片的研制中 ,克服了湿法腐蚀、断线、键合等技术难题。该芯片已经交付合作单位使用 。
UV lithography, wet etching are used to make the structures of biochip device on the glass slide with the length of 7cm, the width of 70μm, the depth of 30μm. And then the bonding technology is imposed to fix the glass slide having the structures with other glass slide having holes and forms the channels for the electrophoresis biochip. The electrophoresis finally is fabricated and can be used for the analysis of biology technology. Some technique problems existed in the process of wet etching, bonding temperature were overcome. This biochip device was delivered to the users, its properties could meet the basic requirements in application.
Micronanoelectronic Technology