永磁材料在微电子机械系统 (MEMS)器件中具有重要的应用价值 ,例如微型开关、微型继电器以及微泵、微阀中作电磁执行器等。本文介绍了CoNiMnP永磁体阵列的制备技术 ,给出了工艺制备的实验条件 ,并利用SEM分析了阵列的表面形貌 ,电子能谱分析了永磁材料组分。实验结果表明 ,得到了很好的CoNiMnP永磁体阵列结构 ,具有较高的矫顽磁力的材料组分比例 :Co 85 %、Ni14 %。
Permanent magnet is one of the key materials in the design and fabrication of MEMS devices, for example, application in micro relay, micropump, and valve. A kind of magnet composed of CoNiMnP has been electroplated with the form of micro array in this paper. The structure of magnetic array was analyzed by SEM and the material composition by electron energy spectrum. The magnetic property was measured by VSM. The result shows that the magnetic arrays have a good structure, main composition is Co 85%, Ni 14%, the coercivity is about 300 Oe.
Micronanoelectronic Technology
国家自然科学基金 (2 0 2 990 3 0 )
"863"计划 (2 0 0 2AA40 42 3 0 )资助项目