相邻曲面的光滑连接是曲面造型的关键技术 ,相接处使用倒圆角的设计方法已经不能适应时代发展对外观审美的要求。着重阐述了在使用Pro/Engineer 2 0 0 1软件设计零件时 ,如何合理选择边界类型、准确控制边界的相切条件 ,以实现相邻曲面的光滑连接 ,并归纳出几种常用的复杂异型曲面的应用场合和构建方案。
The smooth conjunction of two surfaces is key technology of surface modeling, the method of round making is not suitable for modern aesthetics. The paper gives the detail about the selection and control of boundaries chain and smooth conjunction of two surfaces on worktable of Pro/Engineer2001. Several design projects used for idiosyncratic surface are summarized.