目的 :利用HPLC法测定人唾液中卡马西平浓度 ,并观察其药代动力学特征 .方法 :采用Shim packCLC ODSC1 8色谱分析柱 (1 5 0mm× 6mm ,5 μm) ,以甲醇 水 (5 3∶4 7)为流动相 ,流速为 1 .0mL·min-1 ,检测波长为 2 1 2nm ,柱温为室温 ,进样量 5 0 μL .根据唾液药物浓度求算 6名健康受试者单剂量口服卡马西平片剂的药代动力学参数 .结果 :本测定方法线形范围为 0 .4 0~ 4 .32mg·L-1 ,相关系数r =0 .999,最低检出浓度为 30 μg·L-1 (按S/N≥ 3计 ) ,方法平均回收率为99.1 7% - 1 0 4 . 80 % ;日内RSD、日间RSD分别在2 .6 % - 4 .9%和 3.0 % - 8.6 % .药动学参数表明 ,卡马西平人体内过程符合单室开放模型 ,Tmax,Cmax,ke,T1 / 2 ,AUC(0~inf) 分别为 (4 .5 0± 3.1 5 )h ,(1 .5 2± 0 .2 2 )mg·L-1 ,(0 .0 0 90± 0 .0 0 0 6 )h-1 ,(77.1 6± 5 .2 6 )h ,(1 32 .1 8± 8.82 )mg·h·L-1 .单次给药后 ,CBZ唾液浓度 时间曲线出现多峰现象 .结论 :该法简便、快速、专一性强 。
AIM: To determine carbamazepine(CBZ) concentration in human saliva by HPLC and study its pharmacokinetics. METHODS: Shim pack CLC ODS C 18 (150 mm×6 mm, 5 μm) spectrum analytical column was used and methanol water(53∶47)was adopted as the mobile phase. Flow rate was 1.0 mL·min -1 , detection wavelength was 212 nm, column temperature was 23℃ and the dosage of CBZ was 50 μL. The pharmacokinetic parameters of CBZ tablets taken by 6 healthy volunteers at a single oral dose of 200 mg were calculated according to CBZ concentration in saliva. RESULTS: The standard curve was linear ( r =0.999) within the range of 0.40~4.32 mg·L -1 for CBZ. The limit of detection in saliva was 30 μg·L -1 (S/N≥3). The average recovery was 99.17%-104.80%;the inter day RSD and intra day RSD was 2.6%-4.9% and 3.0% -8.6% respectively.The results showed that the pharmacokinetics of CBZ was in accordance with the one compartment open model. T max , C max , ke, T 1/2 and AUC (0~inf) was (4.50±3.15) h, (1.52±0.22) mg·L -1 , (0.0090±0.0006) h -1 , (77.16±5.26) h and (132.18± 8.82) mg ·h·L -1 respectively. After single dosing, the concentration time curve of CBZ in saliva presented multiple peaks. CONCLUSION: This method is simple, quick and specific, and can be used to determine CBZ concentration in human saliva and to study its pharmacokinetics.
Journal of the Fourth Military Medical University
chromatography, high pressure liquid