提出决策支持系统中知识库自动生成和知识一致性自动检测的一种新方法—决策表方法(Decision Table)。决策表方法先用表格形式描述知识,接着在表格上作一致性检测,然后再用简单的指令或程序将其自动转换成通常的知识库文件。文中给出决策表的定义,提出知识一致性检测的一种算法及其实现。最后给出该方法在航空工业人才信息管理决策中的一个应用例子。
The paper presents a new method for auto-generating knowledge base and auto-checking knowledge consistency. That is the decision table. It represents knowledge with tables, and checks consistency within tables, then translates the table into knowledge base files by simple commands. Thc paper presents the definitions. Also the paper presents an algorithm for checking consistency and its implementation. It represents an application case in the talent management decision of the aeronautics industry.
Journal of Systems Engineering