胸部创伤无论在战时或平时 ,在创伤中均占有非常重要的地位。本文收集了近几年胸部创伤的有关诊断及治疗文献 ,对急诊室剖胸的价值及适应证 ,连枷胸、肺挫伤及穿透性心脏伤的诊断和救治以及电视胸腔镜 (VATS)
Thoracic trauma contributes to a major medical aspect no matter in the time of war or peace. In this article,on the basis of analyzing recent relative reports,we focus on the effectiveness and indication for emergency room thoracotomy,diagnosis and treatment of traumatic flail chest,pulmonary contusion,penetrating heart injury and the usefulness of VATS in thoracic trauma.
Journal of Traumatic Surgery