
唐蕃和平与文化交流的使者——吐蕃僧团 被引量:2

The Envoy of Peace and Cultural Exchange between Tang and Tubo:The Sangha of the Tubo Kingdom
摘要 作为与唐朝同时兴起的吐蕃政权,在长达二百多年的历史中,与周边民族和政权,特别是强大的唐王朝进行了广泛而深入的政治、经济、宗教、文化等交往,对吐蕃的经济增长和文化繁荣产生了深远的影响。公元八世纪末、九世纪初,吐蕃僧团作为吐蕃政权中的新兴势力,登上历史舞台,活跃在丝绸之路上,担负起了唐蕃和盟和文化交流的角色,也为引进域外文明和先进文化作出了巨大贡献。在吐蕃僧团的不懈努力下,终于促成了唐蕃长庆会盟,树立了唐蕃友谊和文化交流的丰碑。敦煌作为丝绸之路上的宗教圣地和历史、文化名城,吸引了大批的吐蕃僧侣;他们远赴敦煌,将中原及世界先进文化和文明成果翻译成藏文,源源不断地输送到了吐蕃本土,使封闭的青藏高原,紧跟世界文明的节拍。他们不愧是唐蕃和平和文化交流的使者,也曾是青藏高原走向文明的引领者。 As a regime that rose to power at the same time as the Tang Dynasty, the Tubo kingdom engaged in extensive and deep political, economic, religious and cultural exchange with its neighboring nations and states, especially with the Tang dynasty. This exchange had a profound impact on the economic development and cultural prosperity of the Tubo kingdom. At the turn of the ninth century, as a newly emerging force, the Sangha community of Buddhist clerics appeared on the stage of the history of Tubo kingdom. Having been active on the Silk Road, the Sangha played the role of facilitating the alliance and cultural exchange between the Tang and Tubo kingdom, and also made a great contribution toward the introduction of foreign cultures into the Tubo kingdom. With their unremitting effort, the Sangha of the Tubo kingdom eventually helped to bring about the alliance between Tang and Tubo in 821. As a religious holy site and a famous historical and cultural city, Dunhuang attracted a large number of monks from the Tubo kingdom. Having travelled to Dunhuang from afar, these monks translated different texts into Tibetan and brought back advanced cultural and civilizational achievements upon their return to the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. They were indeed the true envoys of peace and cultural exchange between Tang andTubo.
出处 《藏学学刊》 CSSCI 2016年第2期33-50,241,共19页 Journal of Tibetology
基金 四川大学中央高校基本科研业务费——青年学术人才基金项目《公元8-10世纪藏文在河西及西域的传播及其影响》(skqx201201) 国家社科基金西部项目《吐蕃对丝绸之路文明的建构与传播研究》(15XZS017) 国家社科基金重大招标项目《文物考古中西藏与中原关系资料整理与研究》(11&ZD121)中期成果
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