
青海玉树勒巴沟吾娜桑嘎佛教摩崖石刻调查简报 被引量:10

An Archaeological Survey Report of the Dbus nag byon pa Buddhist Rock Carvings in the Leb ’khog valley in Yul shul, Qinghai Province
摘要 2012年7月,青海省文物考古研究所、四川大学中国藏学研究所和四川大学考古系组成了联合考古队,对青海玉树勒巴沟的四处佛教石刻地点进行了考古调查。本简报重点对第二个地点——吾娜桑嘎石刻点进行了介绍和初步研究。该地点共发现有五组线刻图像和藏文题记,分别编为A至E组。其中A组为猕猴奉蜜图和题记,B组为佛诞生场景和《无量寿经》题记;C组为一组听法场景和《圣薄伽梵母般若波罗蜜多心经》题记;D组为佛降自三十天场景及普贤、文殊菩萨和与图像吻合的题记;E组有多个场景,可辨有一佛二菩萨、佛涅槃和一佛与众菩萨的场景,题记中提到降伏外道。本石刻点的图像和题记与附近发现的有纪年的吐蕃时期的图像风格和题记书写特点均十分相似,因此推测其年代大致为8世纪下半叶至9世纪上半叶。该石刻点图像和题记的发现对于吐蕃时期的汉藏关系、佛教面貌和汉藏佛教美术等均具有重要价值。 In the summer of 2012, the Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology, the Center for Tibetan Studies, and the Department of Archaeology of Sichuan University organized a cooperative archaeological team to conduct a survey of four Buddhist rock carvings in the Leb 'khog valley of Yul shul, Qinghai. This report offers a preliminary study of the so-called Dbus nag byon pa site. In this site, five groups of negative lined carvings combined with Tibetan inscriptions were found and we marked these Group A to E. Group A is a scene of the "Monkey offering Honey to the Buddha" and includes two paragraphs of Tibetan inscription. Group B is a grand presentation of Buddha’s birth and the Tibetan inscription is titled Tshe dpag du myed pa'i mdo sde. Group C contains seven figures which seem consist of a scene of listening to Buddha’s teaching. Below these figures is a substantial twenty-eight-line Tibetan inscription of the 'Phags pa bcom ldan 'das ma shes rab gyi pha rol du phyin pa'i snying po which dominates a huge stone and is located in the middle of the whole site. Group D displays the Buddha’s descending from the thirty-third heaven in the company of Brahma and Indra. A pair of Bodhisattvas, Ma?ju?rī and Samantabhadra with their lion and elephant vehicles also appear in the carving. At the bottom of this scene is a seven-line Tibetan inscription that explains the story. Group E is the largest panel and is composed of several different scenes. Unfortunately, it is very badly preserved and only a few figures can be identified. At the top we can see one Buddha and two Bodhisattva figures;the latter may be identified as Vajrapā?i and Avalokite?vara. The middle portion displays the scene of Buddha’s nirvana. One Buddha and several Bodhisattvas can be identified below the nirvana story. The inscription underneath the scene is by and large illegible, but it does mention that non-Buddhists (mu stegs) fled to the frontier area. Therefore, there must have been a scene depicting how Buddha subdued the non-Buddhists that has yet to be identified. Both the images and inscriptions of this site are similar to those found in the neighboring areas of the Tibetan imperial period. We suggest that this site can be dated sometime between the second half of the eighth to the first half of the ninth century. These materials are very important and helpful to the study of Sino-Tibetan relations, Buddhism in the eastern Tibetan area, and Sino-Tibetan Buddhist art history.
作者 青海省文物考古研究所 四川大学中国藏学研究所 四川大学考古学系 任晓燕 贾鸿键 李永宪 霍巍 乔虹 宋耀春 张长虹 张延清 罗倩倩 卢素文 霍大清 李晓华 Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology;Center for Tibetan Studies, Sichuan University;Department of Archaeology, Sichuan University;Zhang Changhong;Zhang Yanqing;Qiao Hong;Song Yaochun
机构地区 不详
出处 《藏学学刊》 CSSCI 2017年第1期95-147,316,共55页 Journal of Tibetology
基金 青海玉树州文体局也在考古调查过程中给予了多方面的支持和帮助
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