
青海称多县歇武镇格日村宋代佛教摩崖石刻考古调查简报 被引量:3

A Brief Archaeological Survey Report on the Song Dynasty Rock Inscriptions in Geri of Yul shul, Qinghai Province
摘要 2016年8月,青海省文物考古研究所与四川大学中国藏学研究所联合组队,对玉树州称多县歇武镇格日村新发现的宋代佛教摩崖造像和藏文题记进行了考古调查,并对田野资料进行了采集与整理。文章首先对此处造像的内容和藏文题记进行了详细介绍,然后对石刻的造像特征、年代及题记等相关问题提出了初步的认识。根据藏文题记,这批摩崖造像凿刻于公元1101年,其图像风格上承藏东吐蕃式样,又启西藏后弘期藏传密教艺术特征。这批摩崖石刻的发现,填补了藏东地区宋代佛教考古发现的空白,对于吐蕃分裂时期的佛教艺术和汉、藏等多民族关系的研究都具有非常重要的价值和意义。 In August 2016, Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology and the Center for Tibetan Studies of Sichuan University formed a research team for the purpose of making an archaeological survey of the newly discovered Song Dynasty rock inscriptions in Geri, Yul shul Autonomous Prefecture, Qinghai Province, and to collect important information of the site. This paper, firstly, provides a detailed introduction to the content of the carved images and the Tibetan inscriptions. On this basis, the authors then study some questions about the characteristics and the dates of the carved images;some aspects of the Tibetan inscriptions are also discussed. According to the Tibetan inscriptions, this site could be dated to the year of 1101. The style of the carved images shows that they reveal the close ties between the first Propagation of Buddhism and the second Propagation of Buddhism in Tibet. This new discovery fills a gap in Song Dynasty archaeological discoveries at the eastern edge of the Tibetan Plateau. In addition, this paper also has significance for the study of the history of the development of Buddhism and art history during this period as well as for the Sino-Tibetan relation and so on.
作者 青海省文物考古研究所 四川大学中国藏学研究所 朱德涛 蔡林海 Qinghai Provincial Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology;Center for Tibetan Studies, Sichuan University;Zhu Detao;Cai Linhai
机构地区 不详
出处 《藏学学刊》 CSSCI 2017年第1期164-182,31,共20页 Journal of Tibetology
基金 2011年度国家社会科学基金重大招标项目“文物考古中西藏与中原关系资料整理与研究”(11&ZD121)阶段性成果
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