

The Role of Tibetan Monastic Organizations in Conservation and Development:The Case Study of Shar ’od Monastery in Golok, China
摘要 可以说,全球变暖与生态环境的日益恶化对于青海省三江源头区域脆弱的生态环境影响巨大。同时也导致自古依赖于高原独特生态环境而生存的广大高原游牧群众传统生活生产方式、社会结构和游牧文化的改变。2007年,第一个藏区佛教寺院环保组织于果洛注册成立。自此之后,三江源地区陆续有藏传佛教寺院通过注册保护组织或以其它形式投入到了地方生态环境保护与社区发展的事业中。这些寺院保护组织不仅成为推进地方生态保护与社区发展的一大动力,而且,他们在环保与发展中的作为,已使他们成为地方生态环保和社区发展中不可或缺的一股力量。本篇以甘德县班玛仁拓野生动植物保护协会为例,通过问卷、参与观察、半结构化访谈等调查方法试图探究地方政府、寺院及香火村对于三江源区域寺院环保组织的态度。通过分析调查数据发现,当地政府、香火村及寺院三个主体对于班玛仁拓野生动植物保护协会在生态环境保护中的作用和影响力极为认可。除外,当地政府、香火村及寺院也表达出了对于班玛仁拓野生动植物保护协会在继续推动地方生态保护和社区发展的期待。地方这种基于藏区传统社区(以寺院喇嘛、寺院、香火村三个主体建构)的信任与合作,完全可以考虑到长远有效稳定的地方社会治理机制中。而当地生态环境保护和社区的可持续发展,需要地方政府、寺院、香火村、地方民间组织、寺院环保组织等同心协力,在充分尊重和借鉴藏区传统社区的影响下,结合科学的社会治理方法以推动各个主体在保护和发展中的作用。 Global warming and environmental deterioration have had an enormous impact on the Three Rivers Region. The rise of the monastic organizations in Tibet had its social-politic factors such as the international impacts on 'Green Tibetan' movement, China’s foreign non-governmental organizations(FNGO) policies, and the revitalization of Tibetan Buddhism. The first Tibetan Monastic Organization(TMO) was officially registered in Golok Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture(GTAP), People’s Republic of China(PRC) in 2007. Since then an increasing number of TMOs in rural Tibetan areas started to take participate in conservation around the globally important Three Rivers Region, and these TMOs have begun to make an impact on environmental governance. In this paper, we chose Badma Rinto Wildlife Conservation(BWC) as the case study to obtain a better view of peoples’ perceptions on the role of TMOs in conservation and development through questionnaire, semi-structured interviews and participatory observation. The study had illustrated that the conservation efforts from BWC is widely accepted from both local communities and government, and surprisingly with expectation from communities on BWC to bring greater influence in terms of future conservation and community development. Furthermore, the environmental work for conservation in Tibetan areas must be a collaborative effort among residents, Buddhist monasteries, monastic organizations, environmental NGOs, and the government.
作者 华旦才让 Palden Tsering(the University of Kent)
机构地区 英国肯特大学
出处 《藏学学刊》 CSSCI 2018年第2期224-245,253,共23页 Journal of Tibetology
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