某型柴油机回油冷却器管束端部结构为锡封结构 ,由于灌锡时存在串珠状缩孔、纯锡在流动海水中的耐腐蚀性较差 ,再加上本体B1 0铜镍合金与纯锡存在显著的电偶腐蚀作用 ,使锡封端部发生腐蚀 ,形成穿透性孔洞 ,致使回油冷却器泄漏损坏。
The pipe bundle end of back-oil coaler in certain-type diesel engine is sealed by sn.with poor erosion-proof in moving seawater,especially catenulated shrinkage cavity.The contact corrosion interactivity between B10 Cu-Ni alloy of cooler and pure sn leads to perforating cavities and the final leakage of the cooler.This paper introduces here the improvement on the pipe bundle end of back-oil cooler.
China Shiprepair