
杂草抗药性及其治理策略研究进展 被引量:28

Research Progress on Weed Resistance to Herbicides and Control Methods
摘要 综述了杂草抗药性产生机理、杂草抗药性演化影响因素,并对其治理途径进行阐述,为杂草抗药性治理提供参考。除草剂抗药机制分为靶标抗性、非靶标抗性,其中靶标抗性包括除草剂作用位点改变、基因倍增及过量表达;非靶标抗性主要包括代谢解毒能力增强、屏蔽作用或与作用位点的隔离作用等。杂草抗药性演化受多种因素共同影响,不仅包括抗药性突变频率、除草剂选择压、杂草适合度及杂草种子库寿命四大因素,还与基因突变和遗传特征直接相关。在未来的杂草治理中,要经常进行田间杂草调查与鉴定,正确使用除草剂(交替使用、混用),并辅以合理的农艺管理措施来减缓杂草抗药性的演化速度。同时,应加强植物间化感作用的基础研究。 The mechanisms and factors that influence the evolution of herbicide resistance in weeds are reviewed along with the weed control practices available for the control of herbicide -resistant weeds.Weed resistance to herbicides can be of two types,namely target -site resistance that includes the alteration of the site of action,gene amplification and over-expression,and non -target -site resistance that includes enhancement of metabolic detoxification,limited uptake and translocation,and compartmentalization.The evolution of weed resistance is influenced by many factors,such as resistance mutation frequency,herbicide selective pressure,weed fitness and weed seed bank life.Additionally,gene mutation and genetic characteristics are directly related to its evolution.It is advisable to investigate and identify resistant weeds in fields regularly,apply herbicides properly (with rotation or mixture of active ingredients),and to integrate agronomic man-agement practices to prevent evolution of weed resistance to herbicides in the future.Additionally,fundamental research on allelopathy in plants should be emphasized for providing theoretical bases for developing safer herbicides.
出处 《杂草科学》 2015年第2期1-6,共6页 Weed Science
基金 国家公益性行业(农业)科研专项(编号:201303031)
关键词 杂草 除草剂 抗药性 weed herbicide resistance
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