针对一种由凸轮、连杆、齿轮组合而成的新型剑杆织机引纬机构 ,以实现剑杆修正梯形加速度运动规律为目标 ,从运动学角度对其进行了分析和设计 ,获得了整个机构的运动尺寸和共轭凸轮实际轮廓曲线参数 ,所得结果能满足现有剑杆织机的结构布局要求 ,为该新型机构的进一步深入研究和实际应用提供了依据。
Aimed at realizing the modified trapezoidal acceleration motion orderliness of rapier, it designs a new weft-insertion mechanism kinematically in rapier loom, which is a combination of cam, linkage and gear train. The kinematic dimensions of the mechanism and the conjugate cam profiles are obtained through numerical calculation. The designed mechanism can satisfy the structural layout of the rapier loom, and the method is useful for more research and application of the new mechanism.