近年来,我们用全归饮治疗了部分慢性布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)肾阳虚病人,收到了较好效果。并发现慢性布病肾阳虚病人尿17羟皮质类固醇(以下简称17羟)值低下,提示该证病人可能有轻微或潜在的肾上腺皮质功能不足。82年在对8例典型病人进一步做 ACTH 2天静脉滴注试验(以下简称 ACTH 试验)中,发现半数该证病人 ACTH 试验呈延迟反应。
It is reported in this paper theresults of urine 17-hydroxycortico-steroids from eight typical cases f-or chronic brucellosis patients of“S-hen Yan Xu”which the mean value3.77±2.31 was very noticeable di-fference(P<0.01) from that ofthe control group 10.13±3.11.There are 50% of the patients(f-our cases)who have a delay-react-ion while we furture make a two-day ACTH experiment with slow v-enoclysis.For this reason,the factthat the functional change of end-ocrine(thalamus-glands pituitary-supraenal cortex)in brucellosis pa-tients of“She Yang Xu”was consi-dered.After the freatment of“QuanGui Yin”,the mean value of pat- rents(eight cases)17-hydroxycortic-osteroids was 10.72±3.00,a greatlynoticeable change(P<0.01)in thecomparison with that before thetreatment(3.77±2.31).We can See clearly that“QuanGui Yin”may improve the suprare-nal cortex functionn of the patients,a much better therapentic effect w-as obtained:four cases recovery,three cases fundamental recoveryand one's getting better.Evidence showed that it has s-ome certain guide significance forthe diagnosis,the treatment and t-he therapeutic judgement,to assay17-hydroxycorticosteroids content inurine.
Chinese Journal of Endemiology