This paper studies the finite-time attitude control problem for a rigid body. It is known that linear asymptotically stabilizing control laws can be derived from passivity properties for the system which describes the kinematic and dynamic motion of the attitude. Our approach expands this framework by defining finite-time passivity and exploring the corresponding properties. For a rigid body, the desired attitude can be tracked in finite time using the designed finite-time attitude control law. Some finitetime passivity properties for the feedback connection systems are also shown. Numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control law. © 2014 Chinese Association of Automation.
This paper studies the finite-time attitude control problem for a rigid body. It is known that linear asymptotically stabilizing control laws can be derived from passivity properties for the system which describes the kinematic and dynamic motion of the attitude. Our approach expands this framework by defining finite-time passivity and exploring the corresponding properties.For a rigid body, the desired attitude can be tracked in finite time using the designed finite-time attitude control law. Some finitetime passivity properties for the feedback connection systems are also shown. Numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control law.
supported by National Natural Science Foundation(NNSF)of China(61374033)