

Why Corporations in China Lack Self-innovation Capability?——A Literature Review Based on Policy Perspective
摘要 中国的大国崛起需要走出一条自主创新型道路,然而长期以来,转型时期的中国企业却普遍陷入了自主创新不足的陷阱之中。诸多文献指出,在由计划经济向市场经济转型的过程中,中国式分权激励背景下存在着诸多“扭曲性政策”,这也是我国企业自主创新能力不强的重要原因。首先,本文从中国企业创新能力不足的既有事实出发,描述了我国总体自主创新能力不断提升、企业自主创新能力仍然不足以及地区间的自主创新能力存在巨大差异三个特征性事实。其次,系统梳理了中国转型时期的各类政策对于企业自主创新的影响,具体围绕税收、财政、贸易、环境和金融五个方面的政策因素进行了考察,系统分析了我国各项创新政策的有效性以及扭曲性政策与企业自主创新之间的关系。最后,本文在对已有文献创新和贡献进行论述的同时,指出未来的研究方向。 The rise of China requires independent innovation. However, the development of Chinese enterprises in the transition period has long been compromised by lack of self-innovation. Many literatures have suggested that as China shifts from planned economy to market economy, various "distorting policies" have occurred in the context of decentralization incentive, which is the key reason that leads to poor capacity for independent innovation of Chinese enterprises. The paper first displayed the three characteristic facts including the overall continuous improvement of capacity for independent innovation of China, lack of self-innovation capacity on the part of the Chinese enterprises and the significant differences in intersectional selfinnovation capacity in view of the given facts that the capacity for independent innovation of Chinese enterprises is relatively poor; what’s more, the work systematically investigated the effect of different policies in the transition period of China on the capacity for independent innovation of Chinese enterprises, among which there are five policy factors consisting of revenue, fiscal, trade, environment and finance,and the work also analyzed the effectiveness of the innovation policies of China and the relationship between distorting policies and e the capacity for independent innovation of Chinese enterprises in detail; finally, the paper indicated the direction for future research while discussing the innovation and contribution of existing literature.
出处 《制度经济学研究》 CSSCI 2018年第3期171-195,共25页 Research on Institutional Economics
关键词 企业自主创新 扭曲性政策 创新政策 Self-innovation Distorted Policy Innovation Policy
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