In the 21 st century, as China's economy developping rapidly, the rapid growth in demand for electricity, power industry has entered a phase with large unit, high- parameter and big power grid. With the increasing capacity of the turbo-generator, the temperature of all parts increases. In order to ensure the safety and reliability when the generators operate, it is necessary to adopt effective cooling technology to enhance the strength of heat transfer, so that the temperature of various parts in genetators can be controlled in the extent permitted, so as to reduce heat distortion, reduce wear and improve insulation life. In addition, improving the cooling technology can reduce the consumption of cooler materials, reduce the size of equipment and give the construction and transportation a great convenience. So that, for all types of large- scale generators, studying cooling technology is of great significance.According to the operation of the big power station hydrogen coolers in turbogenerators, the numerical simulation study by using CFD has been done about the flow field and temperature field for getting the characteristic curve of the heat transfer with a view to provide the basis for the structure optimization and application of the fin-and-tube hydrogen coolers.
2015年第1期43-44 46,46,共3页
Automation & Instrumentation
The fin-and-tube hydrogen coolers
Heat transfer
Numerical simulation