
颗粒增强复合材料界面开裂力学性能的模拟 被引量:8

Simulation of the fracture behavior of inclusion-matrix interface for particle reinforced composites
摘要 基于Ghosh提出的Voronoi单元有限元方法,构造能够反映颗粒增强复合材料基体和夹杂界面产生脱层的新单元,结合网格重划分技术,模拟含任意随机分布夹杂的复合材料界面开裂的力学性能。为了分析夹杂和基体之间脱层对细观结构演化和宏观性能的影响,采用了临界节点移动技术。编制的有限元程序,能够描述界面逐步脱离过程和应力场的变化。计算实例和普通有限元方法进行比较,证明其精度完全符合要求。 Based on the Voronoi Cell finite element model, a new cell that can describe the debonding of matrix-inclusion interface is developed for particle-reinforced metal matrix composites. With a re-mesh strategy, a simulation of fracture behavior of random distributional particle-reinforced composites has been realized. A technique of moving critical node is performed to obtain the effects of interface debonding on the microstructure and macrostructure of the materials. The process of progressive debonding and the variation of stress field are described by the numerical calculation program. The validity and precision of the model is verified by comparing the results obtained from an example of our model with that calculated by the commercial finite element package MARC. It is shown that this model has the advantage of calculating more complex structure of particle-reinforced composites.
出处 《航空材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2003年第2期18-24,共7页 Journal of Aeronautical Materials
基金 国家重点基础研究规划项目(G19990650) 国家自然科学基金项目(59871022)
关键词 颗粒增强复合材料 有限元方法 夹层界面 基体界面 界面脱层 开裂 力学性能 Computer simulation Finite element method Fracture mechanics Interfaces (materials) Numerical analysis
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