
新型悬空结构射频微电感的制作与测试 被引量:2

A New Suspended RF Micro-inductor: Fabrication and Measurement
摘要 利用MEMS(Micro Electro-Mechanical System:微机电系统)工艺中的牺牲层技术制作了一种新型悬空结构微电感,在此悬空结构中,微电感的线圈制作在与衬底平行的平面上,线圈与衬底之间有立柱支撑;此新型微电感的制作工艺流程简单,与集成电路工艺相兼容,且其高频性能较好.并对此结构微电感的性能进行了测试,测试频率范围在0.05~10 GHz之间,结果表明:当悬空结构微电感的悬空高度为20 μm,工作频率在3~5 GHz范围内时,其电感量达到4 nH,其Q值最大可达到22. Presented is a new suspended RF spiral inductor, fabricated by using the sacrifice layer process in the MEMS technology. Great improvements in Q factor and peak Q frequency is achieved because of the separation between substrate and inductor. In fabrication, only conventional thick photo resist lithography and electroplating are used, the fabrication process is simple and IC compatible. The inductance, Q factor were measured respectively using network analyzer from 0.05 to 10 GHz. The measured maximum Q factor is 22 and inductance 4 nH when sustainments hight is 20 mm, range 3~5 GHz.
出处 《电子元件与材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期54-56,共3页 Electronic Components And Materials
基金 国防预研基金资助项目(41318.8.1.3)
关键词 微电感 悬空结构 射频 micro-inductors suspended configuration radio frequency
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