
基于端到端时延保证的紧急分组优先算法 被引量:3

Most urgent packet algorithm in precedence based on end-to-end delay guarantees
摘要 提出了一种能够提供端到端时延保证的多跳间时延协作Crossbar调度算法(紧急分组优先算法)。该算法以分组头中记录的剩余时延为权重对分组进行调度,通过控制分组在各跳上的时延不但能够保证分组的端到端时延,还能够平衡不同跳数分组的端到端时延。算法还能够使路由器避免维护每个流的状态信息以及对单个流进行复杂的队列管理和调度,由此增加了路由器的可扩展性。计算机仿真表明该算法具有较高的资源利用率,较低的端到端时延和时延抖动以及较低的分组丢弃率等特点。 In this paper, a delay coordination based multihop crossbar scheduling algorithm is presented, which is the most urgent packet. This algorithm can provide end-to-end delay guarantee of packets. This algorithm uses the left delay recorded in the head of packet as the weight for packets scheduling. Through controlling the delay of packet in different hops, this algorithm can provide end-to-end delay guarantee of packets, and adjust the end-to-end delay of packets with different hops. With this algorithm, the router can avoid maintaining per flow state and avoid complicated per flow buffering and scheduling. So the scalability of the router is improved. Simulation shows that the algorithm has many advantages in the better resource utilization, low jitter of the end-to-end delay and low discarded ratio of the packet.
出处 《重庆邮电学院学报(自然科学版)》 2004年第1期10-14,共5页 Journal of Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications(Natural Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部博士学科点专项科研基金(20020013011) 华为科技基金资助项目。
关键词 紧急分组优先 交叉开关 时延抖动 分组丢弃率 most urgent packet crossbar jitter of packet delay discarded ratio of packet
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