自适应滤波技术具有自适应调节权值的优点 ,能够适应相对复杂的信号环境 ,从而被广泛地应用于各种信号处理领域。如何提高速度以满足信号处理的高效性、实时性 ,一直是人们研究的重点和热点。而并行处理技术作为高速实时信号处理领域的主要技术 ,越来越受到重视。借助 PI(Pipelining/ Interleaving)技术提出了一种自适应 FIR滤波器的并行结构 ,大大简化了原并行结构的复杂度 。
Being capable of adjusting the weights adaptively and adapting complex external environment, adaptive filter is widely used in various signalprocessing fields.It is a focus in the research on highspeed realtime signal processing. Parallel processing is one of the main techniques in the fields of highspeed realtime signal processing, researchers pay more attention to it. In this paper, taking the adaptive FIR filter for example, a new parallel processing architecture is presented by using Pipelining/Interleaving technique. Compared with the original architecture, it is very simple and suitable for the real time applications.
Modern Electronics Technique