介绍了基于USB接口的心电信号数据采集系统 ,给出了该系统的硬件组成原理及软件设计方法。由于该系统使用了高性能的USB专用芯片CY7C64613 ,因而具有使用方便、即插即用等特点。与笔记本电脑相连即可构成移动式心电信号检测分析仪器 ,具有较高的实用推广价值。
A type of data acquisition system of ECG based on USB was introduced in this paper?The principle of hardware and method of software designing were explained?The CY7C64613-128NC chip which is specialˉly used for USB was used in the system.The characteristics of this systemis'plug-and-play'and quite conveˉnient.The moving instrument for examining ECG is formed by connecting the system with notebook computer?The system is valuable in practice.
International Electronic Elements