CM6800是美国CMC半导体公司生产的新一代单片PFC +PWM控制器 ,该芯片采用了LETE(同步前沿PFC/后沿PWM技术 )等多项专利技术 ,从而减小了电路中的滤波电容值且不再需要前馈电阻 ,同时具有绿色模式、软启动、故障检测、欠压、过压保护等功能 ,其主动式PFC(功率因子校正 )可使功率因子接近于1。文中介绍了CM6800的主要特点、引脚功能及内部结构 。
The newgeneration's single slice the PFC+PWMCM6800is released bythe United States CMCcomˉpany.It has adopted many patent technique of the LETE,decreased filter capacity in circuits,No longer need fore-feed resistance,and have the green mode,soft start,failure examination,under voltage and over voltage protection function and so on.The active PFC makes the power factor approximate to1.The characteristics and pin functions and internal construction of CM6800are introduced,and the applied circuit in voltage mode and current mode is provided.
International Electronic Elements