RF2903是RF公司生产的高性能、高集成度超低价专用扩频接收芯片 ,它具有工作频段宽、工作电压低、配置灵活、适用范围广等特点 ,非常适合应用在DS-SS和FH -SS无线通信产品的设计领域。文中介绍了RF2903的主要特点和引脚功能 ,并对其在直接序列扩频中的正交解调以及在跳频通信系统中的FSK解调应用进行了分析 ,同时给出了相应的应用电路。
RF2903 is one series of good perfomance、low cost and highly intergrated ASIC of RF Micro Devices, Inc,which can be use as a receiver IC for Spread Spectrum Applications.In addition,it has wide operating bandwidth,low supply voltage and the flexibility of the chip architecture.These features make its applications very extensive,especically in designing of the wireless communication productions. The features of RF2903 and its functions are presented, its function of the quarature demodulator in direct sequence spread spectrum and the FSK demodulator in frequency hopping systems are explicated.
International Electronic Elements