目的了解艾滋病自愿咨询检测(Voluntary HIV Counseling and Testing,VCT)门诊求询者中50岁以上男性HIV和TP感染率及其影响因素。方法于2011年1月—2012年12月期间主动来上海市静安区疾病预防控制中心VCT门诊就诊的50岁以上男性作为本研究的研究对象,知情同意后进行问卷调查,并采集血液标本进行HIV和梅毒抗体检测。结果研究期间共有136人知情同意接受本调查,平均年龄(56.9±5.9)岁,均为汉族,86.8%本地户籍,63.2%高中及以上文化程度,63.2%在婚,40.7%已退休,6人(4.4%)HIV检测呈阳性,同性性行为史(OR:9.83,95%CI:1.12~73.41)是艾滋病感染的主要危险因素。12人(8.8%)梅毒检测呈阳性,同性性行为史(OR:8.49,95%CI:1.56~47.28)也是梅毒感染的主要危险因素。结论 50岁以上男性VCT就诊者婚外性行为发生率高、VCT门诊利用率低,HIV和梅毒感染率高,应将50岁以上男性人群列入艾滋病防控重点人群,关注50岁以上有同性性行为史的男性。加大宣传力度,积极对其进行行为干预并促使其主动进行性病艾滋病的检测。
OBJECTIVE To explore the prevalence and correlates of HIV and syphilis infection among old male voluntary HIV counsel-ing and testing attendees(VCT) aged 50 years and over in Jing’an District of Shanghai. METHODS All male VCT attendants aged 50 years and over in Jing’an District Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Shanghai during the study period of January in 2011 to December in 2012 were informed consent to participate in a questionnaire interview, with blood test for HIV and syphilis. RESULTS A total of 136 participants were included. The average age was(56.9±5.9) years. All of them were ethnic Han,86.8% was lo-cal resident of Shanghai,63.2% had at least an education level of high school,63.2% were currently married,40.7% have retired.Six(4.4%) was HIV positive,same-sex sexual behavior(OR:9.83,95%CI:1.12~73.41) was significantly associated with HIV in-fection 8.8% was syphilis positive. Syphilis infection was significantly correlated with same-sex sexual behavior(OR:4.96,95%CI:1.37~15.35),and the number of sexual partners in the past 6 months(OR:2.32,95%CI:1.01~5.67). CONCLUSIONS The preva-lence of HIV and syphilis was very high among old male VCT clinic attendants aged 50 years and over in Jing’an District of Shang-hai, extramarital sex was very high and VCT clinic was very low utilization. Male aged above 50 years hould be included in AIDSprevention and control key population groups,step up publicity efforts to actively intervene in their detection.
Chinese Primary Health Care