Free Trade Port is the most deeply open economic function area in Free Trade Port Area.There are some basic requirements for its layout,including convenient transportation with home and aboard,good external contact with reality and historical basis,good conditions for internal radiation,good circumvention conditions,etc.Construction of Free Trade Port Area in China has lasted for more than 40 years.At present,a number of Free Trade Ports with the highest degree of openness are being prepared,and they should choose to avoid but meets the layout requirements and be located close to the'center of gravity'of the national economy when laying out.In order to promote the rational distribution of the first batch of Free Trade Ports,systematic research is necessary,which includes specific location,quantity and development mode of Free Trade Port,regional significance and economic operation mechanism.
YANG Ying(Professor of School of Economics,Jinan University,Guangzhou Guangdong Province510632,China)
China Development