
生产函数理论与函数形式的选择研究 被引量:14

Production Function Theory and Choice among Functional Forms
摘要 生产函数理论已经成为现代经济学家进行经济分析的基础知识和工具,但在应用生产理论建立生产函数模型时,如何选择函数形式常常被研究忽视而影响结论的可靠性。文章回顾了生产与生产函数理论及常用函数形式的理论性质,总结了函数形式选择的理论与实证标准,指出在实际应用中应在既定假设下结合实际问题背景及数据进行选择。 Production functions are a fundamental component of all economics.In some empirical studies the reasons for choosing a particular functional form are not explicitly stated,and the neglect of the issue of choice among alternative functional form would lead unreliable conclusion.By reviewing the theory of production and production function and traditional and popular functional forms' properties,theoretical criteria and empirical techniques for choosing between alternative functional forms are summarized.Result indicates that under the maintained hypotheses capture applicable theoretical concerns and allows the data to 'speak'.
出处 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第S1期67-73,共7页 Chinese Journal of Management Science
关键词 生产理论 生产函数 函数形式选择 production theory production function functional form selection
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