

An Analysis of Short-term Forecast Based on Data Set of RFID
摘要 随着RFID(无线射频标识)技术在供应链中的广泛应用,越来越多的企业借助RFID技术来实施对供应链的管理。由于海量的RFID数据中包含了物品本身的相关信息以及其在流通中的时间和空间信息,通过挖掘这些RFID数据来对供应链进行管理和优化,使之产生更高的效益。本文针对供应链流通中存在的生产延误和库存不足等成本问题,做好预测分析,提出了基于时间序列的数据分析方法。在RFID数据集的基础上,本文对供应链末端,围绕在货架上物品的数据信息这一单个环节进行分析。建立时间序列的ARMA模型,对短期的物品流动进行预测,分析商品需求的状况,从而提高供应链的价值,降低企业成本。 With the wide application of RFID(Radio Frequency Identification)technique in the supply chain,more and more enterprises use the RFID technique to administrate supply chain. By excavating tremendous amount of the RFID data which including related information about item themselves and in circulation,information of time and space,enterprises can optimize the supply chain and produce higher benefits. In this article,in the light of cost about production delay and low stocks existing in the supply chain,it's necessary to propose a data analysis method based on time series,make predictive analytics. Based on the data set of RFID,the data information of item on the shelf will be analyzed. The information comes from the tail of supply chain,which is a single link. By establishing the ARMA model of time series,forecasting the flow of goods in a short time,analysing the demand of goods,enterprises can reduce the cost and promote values.
作者 刘林 张如雨
出处 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第S1期693-697,共5页 Chinese Journal of Management Science
基金 国家自然基金资助项目(71231004 71301038)
关键词 时间序列 RFID数据集 ARMA模型 time series data set of RFID ARMA model
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