Great Urgency in Protecting Barite Resources
Great Urgency in Protecting Barite Resources
The barium salts manufacturingsector is mainly based on bariumcarbonate and barium sulfate,andalso produces barium chloride,bariumhydroxide,barium
1Tianquan Chemical Starts up Barium Chloride Project[J].China Chemical Reporter,2007(3):10-10.
2STATISTICS[J].China Chemical Reporter,2007(8):27-34.
3Chengdu Starts un Caustic Potassium[J].China Chemical Reporter,2010(2):17-17.
4STATISTICS[J].China Chemical Reporter,2007(4):23-30.
5Huo Liming and Dong Huabo, Sichuan Tianqi Lithium Industries, Inc.Zhang Jiangfeng, China Institute of Nonferrous Metals Technology and Economics.Lithium Hydroxide Production and Market Summary for China[J].China Chemical Reporter,2009(20):16-16.
6Unid to Expand KOH Production in China[J].China Chemical Reporter,2010(12):17-17.
9Liaherd Chemical Started up Nitric Acid Plant[J].China Chemical Reporter,2010(16):17-17.
1020 000 T/A Strontium Carbonate Project in Hubei[J].China Chemical Reporter,2005(35):14-14.