Fatigue strength computation is an important item during design of nuclear equipment. According to various combination of design operation conditions, fatigue strength of whole design lifetime is calculated to determine whether it is compliance with requirements of standard and specification. But the actual operation condition is different with design operation condition for in-service equipment, and the design operation condition is possibly conservative than the actual one, and sometimes equipment also experiences unexpected transient state or too much transient state due to inadequate consideration during design. So it is important to know the actual fatigue damage state of in-service equipment, which also has a bearing to know about the safety state and lifetime extension of equipment. The monitoring system of residual cyclic resource was first installed in Tianwan NPP in China, and large fatigue strength is found in surge line. Further, increase of fatigue damage of surgeline is counted during a whole fuel cycle, and which can be used to direct the control of follow-up unit operation.
China Nuclear Power
fatigue strength
surge line
monitoring system of residual cyclic resource