
2012年湖南省居民健康素养监测数据分析 被引量:12

Data analysis on the health literacy of Hunan residents in 2012
摘要 目的了解湖南省居民健康素养现状,为制定湖南省健康教育和健康促进相关政策提供科学依据。方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样方法,在全省随机抽取15~69岁常住人口进行问卷调查。结果全省共调查2700份问卷,其中有效问卷2611份,问卷有效率96.7%。湖南省居民健康素养总体水平为14.0%,城市居民为21.8%,农村居民为7.6%。在3方面健康素养水平中,基本知识和理念为18.8%,健康生活方式与行为12.1%,基本技能为19.4%。在6类健康问题素养水平中,由高到低依次为安全与急救47.0%、科学健康观36.8%、健康信息24.5%、传染病防治24.1%、基本医疗11.7%和慢性病防治10.9%。不同年龄、不同文化程度、不同职业居民的健康素养水平不同。结论湖南省居民健康素养水平较低,尤其是健康生活方式与行为素养和慢性病防治素养,应以农村居民为重点,并根据人群特征开展有针对性的干预以提高全省居民的健康素养。 Objective To explore the health literacy level of Hunan residents,and provide scientific basis for developing policies related to health education and health promotion. Methods The residents aged 15 to 69 years were randomly recruited by multistage stratified cluster sampling method. Then a face to face questionnaire investigation was performed on every participant. Results In total of 2700 questionnaires were included in the study,2611 of them were valid( 96. 7%valid response rate). The overall level of health literacy in Hunan residents was 14. 0%,with 21. 8% in urban residents and 7. 6% in rural residents. The levels of health literacy in three aspects as basic knowledge and conception,health lifestyle and behaviors,and health related skills were 18. 8%,12. 1%,and 19. 4%,respectively. The levels of health literacy in six health issues as safety and fist aid,scientific view of health,health information,prevention of infectious diseases,basic medical care and prevention of chronic disease were 47. 0%,36. 8%,24. 5%,24. 1%,11. 7%,and 10. 9%,respectively. The age,education level,and occupation of those participants were associated with the levels of health literacy.Conclusion The level of health literacy of Hunan residents was low,especially in health lifestyle,behaviors and prevention of chronic diseases. Placing stress on the rural residents and according to the characteristics of the population,the targeted interventions should be taken to improve the residents’ health literacy.
出处 《中国健康教育》 北大核心 2015年第2期192-196,212,共6页 Chinese Journal of Health Education
基金 2012年中央补助地方健康素养促进行动项目
关键词 湖南居民 健康素养 监测 Hunan residents Health literacy Surveillance
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