本文通过列表方式将国家市场监督管理总局新颁布的TSG 07-2019中的附件M与同时废止的TSG Z0004—2007的内容变化进行了对照,标明了调整、变化、增加、删减的条款及内容,以利读者对新规范的学习理解。方便特种设备生产单位按照TSG 07—2019附件M的要求,建立与许可范围相适应的质量保证体系,并且保持有效实施。
In this paper,use cross-reference table to comparison content changes between annex M of TSG07-2019 newly promulgated by the State Administration of Market Regulation and TSG Z0004-2007 abolished at the same time.In the form of a list,indicating the adjustment,change,addition,and deletion of the provisions,to facilitate the readers’understanding of the new specification.It is convenient for special equipment manufacturers to establish a quality assurance system suitable for the scope of the regulation and maintain effective implementation in accordance with the requirements of annex M of TSG 07-2019.
Yuan Xucheng(Special Equipment Safety Supervision Inspection Institute of Jiangsu Province,Jiangsu 221000)
China Special Equipment Safety