目的研究全脊柱MRI成像技术在体检中的临床应用价值。方法搜集我院97例全脊柱扫描图像,进行MRI图像回顾性分析。采用西门子1.5 T Avanto磁共振成像系统及自动移床技术,通过composing软件将同一序列图像分别进行自动的无缝隙拼接生成全脊柱图像。结果 97例全脊柱成像图像中,椎间盘突出80例;脊柱畸形5例;脊柱外伤3例;脊髓病变4例;椎体血管瘤2例;正常3例。97例病例均完整显示全段脊柱的椎体、椎管、脊髓及周围韧带等结构。结论 MRI全脊柱成像技术在体检中对于脊柱病变的准确诊断及定位具有广泛的临床价值。
Objective To study the clinical application value of w hole spine MRI in physical exam ination .Methods The MRI findings of 97 cases collected in our sannatorium w ere exam ined and analyzed retrospectively.Siem ens 1.5TA vanto MRI im aging system and auto-m atic m oving table techniques w ere adopted ,and the im agings of the sam e sequences w ere com bined seam lessly to generate w hole-spine im age by com posing softw are.Results In 97 cases of w hole spine MRim aging,80 cases w ere protrusion of intervertebral disc,5 cases w ere spine m alform ation,3 cases w ere spine injury,4 cases w ere spinal cord leisions,2 cases w ere vertebral hem angiom a,and 3 cases w ere norm al.A ll 97 cases displayed the vertebral body,vertebral canal,spinal m arrow and peripheral ligam ents of the w hole spine.Conclusion W hole spine m agnetic resonance im aging (MRI)has a wide range of clinical application values in the exact location and diagnosis of verte-bral lesions in physical exam ination .
Chinese Journal of Convalescent Medicine
Whole spine
Magnetic resonance imaging
Clinical application