To assess the importance of teat length and teat-ends condition in dairy production, we scored teat-length and teat-ends condition of 514 lactating cows in a Holstein dairy farm in Shanxi. DHI data measured on June 24 th, 2013 was also collected. A fixed model was employed to analyze the impact of four factors(lactation stage, parity, teat-length and teat-end condition) on milk yield and somatic cell count. A random sample analysis of teat length indicated that the most of teat length were within a range of 4~6cm. The number of cows with teat shorter than 4cm was 22(6.6%), and 53(15.8%) cows had the longest teat over 6cm. There were significant differences(P <0.05) of health status between teat-end health status with different teat-lengths. Compared with the 4~6cm teat,teats longer than 6cm or shorter than 4cm have a significant increase in the probability of teat injury. The mean score of the teatend condition of this population was 2.25.The average teat-end health status indicated that the teat-end of the whole dairy farm was in good health condition, based on the published standards of scoring teat-end health condition. The teat-end condition showed significant difference(P<0.01) between the rear teats and front teats, and front teats were much more health than rear teats. The effect of the teat length and teat-end condition were not significant on the milk yield and SCC(P>0.05). The average SCC of milking cow with longer teat were 58 000/mL higher than that of normal individuals. The mean SCC of individual with injured teats were 22 000/mL higher than that of individuals with healthy teats. Evaluating the teat length and teat-end condition helps finding out the health status of the dairy herd and provides useful suggestions for dairy herd management.
China Dairy Cattle