
蒸汽压片玉米在泌乳奶牛上的应用 被引量:7

Application of Steam-flaked Corn in Lactating Dairy Cows
摘要 本试验旨在通过利用蒸汽压片玉米替代精补料中的部分玉米粉来研究其对泌乳奶牛生产性能以及养殖利润变化的影响。试验结果显示,用蒸汽压片玉米替代精料中的部分玉米粉提高了奶牛的产奶量。高、中产奶牛组中试验组产奶量较对照组分别提高了3.04kg/(头·d)(P<0.05)、1.46kg(头·d)(P>0.05);试验组乳蛋白率有升高趋势,乳脂率有下降趋势,与对照组相比差异均不显著(P>0.05)。试验结果说明,用蒸汽压片玉米替代部分玉米粉能够提高奶牛生产性能,尤其在高产奶牛上的效果更明显,并且能够降低饲养成本、增加利润,提高养殖户的收入。 Inthisstudy,partofcornlfourwasreplacedbysteam-lfakedcorninconcentratesupplementdairycattlefeedtoresearchitsimpactontheproductionperformanceoflactatingdairyandchangesinfarmingproifts.Theresultsshowedthatmilkproductionwasimprovedbyreplacingpartofcornlfourintheconcentratesupplementdairy cattle feed, in which the milk yield of high productive dairy cow was improved 3.04kg (P<0.05) than the control group, and medium productive dairy cows was improved 1.46kg (P<0.05) than the control group.The protein content in test groups was improved and the milk fat percentage was decreased but the differences were not signiifcantly(P>0.05).Thus,weconcludedthattheproductionperformanceofdairycowswasimprovedbyreplacingpartofcornlfourwithsteam-lfakedcorn,inparticular,theeffectwasmoreobviousonthehigh-yieldingdairycows.Italsocanreducefeedingcostsandincreaseproiftstoimprovetheincomeoffarmers.
出处 《中国奶牛》 2014年第Z3期4-6,共3页 China Dairy Cattle
关键词 奶牛 蒸汽压片玉米 产奶量 经济效益 Cows Steam flaked corn Milk yield Economic benefits
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