
台湾高等技职教育的评鉴制度及其影响分析 被引量:1

A Retrospective Study on ThePolicy and Practice of ProgramEvaluation for Technical andVocational Education Institutes atHigher Education Level in Taiwan
摘要 台湾高等技职校院包括科技大学、技术学院以及专科学校,其创办至今已有30年历史,一直扮演着应用学术理论于实务技术、培育精深产业技术人才以及引导整体技职教育发展的重要功能。高等技职校院办学质量的评鉴旨在协助各校检视其办学效能和建立发展特色,同时也是提供教育行政主管单位有效掌握全台湾技职教育质量的重要依据,以期共同提升教育的效能。本论文旨在分析台湾在近十年来实施高等技职校院评鉴之后,学校在办学的质与量方面确实提升的具体现象;尤其介绍与分析了台湾高等技职校院评鉴的实施模式与评鉴内容,针对台湾高等技职教育的评鉴制度与实施进行反思与后设分析,通过反思而发现评鉴的实施所促使高等技职校院发展朝向一致化的发展趋势。具体言之,本文讨论的议题包括:(1)台湾高等技职教育的发展与现况;(2)教育评鉴的相关理论;(3)台湾高等技职教育评鉴的实施方式;(4)台湾高等技职教育的评鉴指标;(5)评鉴的实施对于高等技职校院办学质量影响的综合省思。 In Taiwan,the annual program evaluation on the technical and vocational education institutes at higher education level has been conducted by the Ministry of Education since 1975.The results of educational program evaluation system consequently provide consistent crucial information regarding the technical institutes for both educational policy-makers and university administrators during the decisionmaking process on the governmental financial budgets,project grants to the institutes.Technical institutes are also benefited from the investigative evaluation to improve their educational quality and school administration based on the evaluation outcomes.Therefore,this program evaluation policy and practice is proved to effectively identify the efficiency and effectiveness of the target institutes.The CIPP(context,input,process,product)evaluation model is mainly employed for the program evaluation practice on technical institutes in order to investigate and ensure the quality and coverage of vocational programs.Also,the CIPP model is slightly adjusted on target index and contents to specifically reveal educational efficacy and achievement by focusing on the external and internal resource application,educational achievement,and peel competition.This paper primarily addresses:(1)the program evaluation policy and practice for Vocational Technical Education Institutes at Higher Education level in Taiwan;(2)the major evaluation contents,standard index,and the executive processes of this evaluation system employed in Taiwan;(3)issues cover the effects of this evaluation practice on the quality improvement and consequent contributions to the vocational education institutes,even to the general public.
作者 巫铭昌 林以凯 林恩赐 Wu Mingchang;Lin Yikai;Lin Enci
出处 《中国高等教育评论》 2010年第1期407-423,共17页 China Higher Education Review
关键词 高等技职教育 台湾教育评鉴 后设反思 Technical and Vocational Education Institutes at Higher Education Level Program evaluation Meta analysis
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