The history of China's venture capital has only been 20 years.but its influence has far exceeded other financial investments.Sequoia Capital,led by Neil Shen.has become an important venture capital company.According to related statistics,there are 8 unicorn startups overtaken by Sequoia Capital out of 12 unicorns with total value of 100 billion dollars.At present,the number of Chinese unicorns reaches 83,and the number of unicorns invested by Sequoia reaches 50,accounting for more than60%,surpassing Tencent and IDG Capital.Among Chinese e-commerce companies listed on U.S.stock market.Sequoia Capital has taken over the top three ecommerce platforms-Alibaba.JD.com and Pinduoduo.Sequoia Capital is also the only company that has invested in TMD(Today's headlines,Meituan,Didi). "Sequoia has almost grasped every new opportunity,and it is quite commendable." said Bao Fan.the founder of Huaxing Capital.
China Entrepreneur